Automotive transmissions have come a long way in the past several decades. Rugged, often crude manual gearboxes are quickly being replaced by high-tech automated units that run smoother and shift gears faster. However, one thing that hasn’t changed from the dawn of auto transmission design is the need for quality gear oil. Motul Motylgear oils represent the latest in high-quality transmission lubricants. This entire line of oils was designed to give manual gearboxes, especially older ones, a new shot at efficiency.

Every modern lubricant is derived from a base stock. Most manufacturers, Motul included, use mineral or synthetic base stocks to configure the perfect formula for a particular application. The Motylgear line of products had to meet a specific set of lubrication requirements that only a blend of the highest quality mineral stock and synthetic base oils could provide. Motul called this innovative formula Technosynthese®.
Through research and development, they’ve managed to create a semisynthetic base that offers the best in terms of performance, durability, and value. As a result, Motylgear transmission lubricants deliver outstanding wear resistance, consistency, and most importantly, abundant lubrication at all times.
We currently offer two versions of the Motylgear – the SAE 75W-90 and SAE 75W-80. Each of these brings Motul's Technosynthese solutions, catering to different transmission systems.
The main requirement for all our Motylgear products was optimal protection at all times. This means providing the gearbox, differential, or transfer case with enough lubrication when the system is cold, but also when it’s being pushed to its very limits. All the Motylgear lubricants, no matter the viscosity, are guaranteed to stay within their parameters in high stress/high load applications. This is something Motylgear shares with all our top quality lubricants such as the Motul 8100 series of engine oils.
Motul tested their transmission oils using the industry-standard KRL method, where each Motylgear product stayed within specs after a 20-hour-long shear test. In other words, should you decide to push your differential or manual gearbox hard, you’ll still maintain optimal lubrication even under sustained load.
Motul's Technosynthese® blend and other technologies that went into making Motylgear lubricants as effective as they are, bring additional benefits to the table. The transmission oils have proven to give older gearboxes a new lease on life. If you own a car that is having trouble slipping in and out of gears, Motylgear can help.
Thanks to its chemical properties and quality synthetic base stock, this transmission oil spreads out more evenly within a gearbox, while penetrating hard-to-reach places. Once introduced to an older, hard-shifting gearbox, Motylgear will form a lubricating film across all relevant surfaces and make gearshifts noticeably easier.
One of the things you need to pay attention to with transmission lubricants is all the seals. Older vehicles sometimes feature seals that aren’t compatible with modern oils, detergents, and other chemicals that are present. With Motylgear, you don’t have to worry about any of that. Motul Motylgear transmission oils are compatible with just about any type of seal material and yellow material that is used in gearboxes.
All you have to do is make sure that you select the right viscosity as per your car’s manufacturer’s specifications.
Motylgear series of lubricants can be used in all mechanical transmission systems. This means manual gearboxes, transmission cases, and differentials. Being a top-tier Technosynthese® product, Motylgear will most likely improve the performance of these systems on your car, ensuring less friction, wear, and lastly better gas mileage.
Although Motul uses high-quality base stocks as the foundation for most of their transmission lubricants, you should do an oil job on your transmission/differential according to your users’ manual.
Article by Jason Cooper from Motul Blog.